Supporting asthma patients in the road towards better asthma self-management
When suffering form asthma self-management is of essential importance to minimize the burden caused by the disease. Self-management consists of many interrelated activities such as monitoring the disease, taking the medication as prescribed and dealing with the physical and psychological consequences of having the disease.
The goal of self-management is to achieve asthma control, and in this way to minimize asthma complaints. However, on their road towards better asthma self-management asthma patients face many barriers. The goal of this project was to support asthma patients in their self-management and to overcome these barriers.
Design an asthma self-management system that both empowers and supports recently diagnosed asthma patients and increases their competence of medical self-management.
Vea is an asthma self-management system that both empowers and supports recently diagnosed asthma patients on their journey towards better self-management. Vea enables the user to set goals and supports the user to achieve these. It does so through personalization, providing insight and feedback.
University: Delft university of technology
Duration: 20 weeks
Graduation Project
Boehringer Ingelheim
Design question
“Design an asthma self-management system that both empowers and supports recently diagnosed asthma patients and increases their competence of medical self-management.”
Key features
Set goals
The app allows the user to set goals related to asthma self-management, and supports them to achieve these goals
See progress on the journey
The journey keeps track of the progress that the user makes. This way a feeling of competence is enhanced
Get feedback
By means of automatically tracking the user’s asthma condition and medication intake the app can provide the user with feedback & stimulate insight
Learn about your asthma
Asthma is a highly personal disease. The app helps to discover the users’ specific type of asthma and triggers. Besides that, it also provides the tools to act upon this information
Predicts your personal air quality
Through setting goals, the app learns about the user’s asthma. With this knowledge Vea can predict the user’s personal air quality and can suggest how to best act upon possible triggers inside and outside the house.
The problem
As found in literature
Lack of insight
Due to a lack of insight in their disease asthma patients are 4x more likely to end up in the emergency department, 5x as likely to be hospitalized and 6x as likely to have (near) fatal asthma attacks
74% is non-adherent
74% of all asthma patients is non-adherent to their medication
Incorrect inhaler technique
41-55% has incorrect inhaler technique
Asthma patients face several barriers on the road towards achieving optimal self-management.
Why do these problems occur?
Focus groups were conducted with in total 5 asthma patients to find out what causes the problems as found in literature.
Focus groups uncovered underlying problems
Literature provided a good insight into the problems within self-management. However, I asked myself the question “Why?”.
Why do asthma patients not take their medicine?
Why are asthma patients not optimally self managing?
In order to find out what the underlying problems are I organized several focus groups with asthma patients.
Inadequate knowledge sources
Asthma is a highly personal disease. The websites that Dutch patients refer to provide lots of information. Unfortunately, also a lot of information that is not applicable to the patient’s situation.
Lack of feedback
When (not) taking medication asthma patients do not immediately notice an incline or decline in their condition.
Lack of insight
Getting insight into the development of the disease requires a lot of active attention to the disease. In practice patients do not want to spend that much attention to their disease, and they tend to forget how they were doing a while ago
Key solutions
Personalize knowledge
Create a journey
Provide feedback
Provide insight
Design process
Designing and app & physical design simultaneously
Sketch sessions
Several sketching sessions were done, individually, with designers of VanBerlo and with non-designers
App development
Testing aesthetics
Testing interactions
Testing interactions
Sketching screens
Asking feedback from professionals at VanBerlo
Development of the screens
Connecting digital & physical
In order to ensure a seamless user experience the full system was carefully analyzed, mapped out and optimized
Product Ecosystem
Digital / Physical features
Design & development Home Tracker